As part of the( Contributing to Permanent Solutions through Sustainable Return and Reintegration in Iraq) It was implemented in Tuzkhurmatu district, the Public Aid Organization conducted three sessions, The mediation of the three components in Tuz Khurmatu aimed at unifying common points among them and fostering coordination and communication between ethnicities to collaborate on adopting sustainable solutions.

Following the meeting with representatives of the three ethnic groups, the goal was to draft a document between the components that works towards enhancing peaceful coexistence and social cohesion in the district.
The Public Aid Organization hold a press conference to review the demands of Tuz Khurmatu residents through sessions and workshops attended by the district’s residents, represented by tribal elders and local administrations. They reached several points that were presented at the press conference, including reconstruction, the formation of a committee for integrity and security oversight composed of members from outside the region, and facilitating the return of displaced individuals to their official documents, particularly those who lost them due to displacement, and facilitating their return to school seats.

Volunteers from the organization in the Tuz Khurmatu area were able to contribute effectively through the activities they carried out. They organized a bazaar for small entrepreneurial projects in the district and conducted a session on digital extortion targeting students in schools, among other activities aimed at encouraging agriculture and rehabilitating their study areas .