
PAO completed the training of social researchers in juvenile corrections for the governorates of Dohuk and Baghdad.

The Public Aid Organization, in partnership with the IOL and the NPA organizations, and with the support of the European Union, has concluded specialized training for social researchers working in juvenile correctional facilities in Baghdad and Dohuk governorates.The training was…

Read MorePAO completed the training of social researchers in juvenile corrections for the governorates of Dohuk and Baghdad.

Training in Ninawa concentrates on Developing Communication Skills, fostering a Sense of Identity, and Strengthening Community Affiliation

The second training station of the ‘Youth Connect’ project took place in Mosul from December 26 to 29, 2024. The event saw remarkable participation from young men and women and aimed to build their capacities while enhancing their sense of…

Read MoreTraining in Ninawa concentrates on Developing Communication Skills, fostering a Sense of Identity, and Strengthening Community Affiliation

PAO Led a series of special events within the framework of 16DAYS campaign

Within the framework of its Project “Protection Procedures and New Opportunities for Society-Almel”, the Public Aid Organization led a series of special events within the framework of the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women. The events included the areas…

Read MorePAO Led a series of special events within the framework of 16DAYS campaign