
Distribution Campaign

10-15 January 2021 Within the activities of the project “Providing integrated services to support vulnerable groups of the displaced and returnees in Iraq” The Public Aid Organization / PAO – Nineveh Office / Tal Afar District, Distributing nearly (2000) stationery…

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Training workshop

12-14 January 2021 Within the activities of the project “Promoting the economic recovery of small and agricultural projects” The Public Aid Organization (PAO) / Nineveh office / Bartella district, held a training workshop for a group of farmers (7 males…

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Awareness campaign

Salah al-Din / Sharqat District 9 December 2020 Within the campaign (16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence ) and in the presence of women from different districts of the governance , the Public aid’s Organization (PAO) held a focus…

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Training Workshop

Within the activities of the program (Providing protection for women and girls from gender-based violence) Funded by UNICEF, The Public Aid Organization (PAO) held a training workshop for security forces cadres of various ranks, It lasted for two days, 22…

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Informative Meeting/ Mousel

Public Aid’s organization team / Nineveh has held meetings with leaders and Local worthies figures of the region in order to clarify the idea of ​​the project “Building the capacities of youth and societies to resilience and confront violent extremism…

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Educational lectures

Within the activities of the project “Providing integrated services to support vulnerable groups of displaced publics and returnees in Iraq” Nineveh / The work team of the Public Aid Organization/ PAO provided Scholastic Lessons in 8 schools within the subjects…

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Raising awareness Activity

December 16, 2020 Public Aid’s organization PAO, in cooperation with the administration of a school in Basra / Al-Zubair district, implemented an activity to raise awareness of gender-based violence, and within the framework of the project (Reducing risks and enhancing…

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Educational lectures

12/13/2020 Within the activities of the project “Increasing access to Child protection services ” , with the support of UNICEF, the Public Aid’s Organization (PAO), in coordination with the International Medical Corps (IMC), provided educational lectures for children about hand…

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