Within the framework of the Democracy Promotion Program, the Public Aid Organization – Basra Executive Office and in cooperation with the Community Center carried out a dialogue session entitled “Responsibilities of Community Police and Civil Society in Community Issues on August 27, 2022 in Basra.
In the presence of the human rights presenter, Mr. Muhannad Abdul Hamid Abdul Majeed, a representative of the Community Police, Professor Ahmed Hassan Thujeel, in charge of the Organizations Division in Basra Governorate, a number of civil society organizations, youth teams, media professionals and representatives of federations and unions.
During the session, many key points were discussed, the most prominent of which were the roles and responsibilities of community policing, civil society responsibilities in community issues, and what are the mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between community policing and civil society in community issues.
In conclusion, the outputs were written about youth volunteer initiatives and mechanisms to activate the role of community police in community issues, create an environment of joint cooperation between organizations, youth teams and the Division of Organizations in the Governorate Office, activate the media role and its cooperation with community police towards community issues.