Category Reports

Basra Office Implement a dialogue session about “Responsibilities of Community Police and Civil Society in Community Issues

Within the framework of the Democracy Promotion Program, the Public Aid Organization – Basra Executive Office and in cooperation with the Community Center carried out a dialogue session entitled “Responsibilities of Community Police and Civil Society in Community Issues on…

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Changing the live path of (6000) Children in Salah Al –Din by simple efforts and resources of Public Aid Organization Funded by UNISCO 2020

Within the comprehensive access program for quality education for primary and secondary schools in the affected areas in Salah-Al Din for the school year 2019 – 2020 in three districts (Sherqat,Tikrit &Baiji, (Public Aid Organization had implemented Back – to-…

Read MoreChanging the live path of (6000) Children in Salah Al –Din by simple efforts and resources of Public Aid Organization Funded by UNISCO 2020