We are all supportive
The Public Aid Organization, in cooperation with the Norwegian Public Aid Organization and the Rule of Law Investigator Organization, and funded by the European Union, within the framework of the program to promote fair trials, improve the conditions of detainees, and combat torture, organized on June 26, 2023, an evening to support torture survivors, which coincided with the International Day in Support of Torture Survivors under the slogan (We are all supported), at the Erbil International Hotel (Sheraton), which is a step in support of the implementation of the regional plan on human rights in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
In this context, the Justice Network for Prisoners, the Center for the Support of Democracy and Human Rights, the Office of the Coordinator of International Recommendations in the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, the High Commission for Human Rights, and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq participated in presenting speeches on this occasion, which was attended by more than a hundred relevant parties, media and activists.
It is worth mentioning in addition to the speeches presented on this occasion, there were three short films, a plastic exhibition by twelve plastic artists, twenty-four different paintings, music playing, and an exhibition of books and various publications on this occasion.
The most important speeches delivered in this evening: –
1- The speech of Mr. Hawker Jetto / Public Aid Organization included welcoming the guests on behalf of the program organizers to promote fair trials, improve the conditions of detainees, and combat torture.
2- Speech of Dr. Dindar Al-Zebari / Office of the Coordinator of International Recommendations in the Kurdistan Regional Government / Chairman of the Committee Supervising the Implementation of the Kurdistan Region Plan of Iraq regarding human rights.
3- Speech of Mr. Wissam Al-Rubaie / an official of the Baghdad office / the High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq / delivered the speech of the Commission and the committee supervising the implementation of the National Plan for Human
Rights in Iraq.
4- Speech by Volker Türk / High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva / via the Internet delivered the Commission for Human Rights speech.
5- Speech of Mrs. Ramzia Zana, a member of the Board of Directors of the Justice Network for Prisoners in Iraq, delivered the speech of the Justice Network for Prisoners.
6- Speech of Dr. Ahmed Miran / President of the Rule of Law Investigator Organization.
7- Speech by Mr. Karzan Fadel / Center for the Support of Democracy and Human Rights
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