PAO in Erbil – Sheraton 4/27/2022 held its conference within the activities of the project “Promoting Economic Recovery for Small and Agricultural Enterprises PERMA” in the presence of the Governor of Nineveh, Mr. Najm al-Jubouri, representatives of the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Ministry, the House of Representatives, the President of Nineveh Courts, and government and security directors in Nineveh Governorate to shed light on the reality of farming and agriculture in Nineveh.
The most important recommendations at the conference were:
Highlighting and putting attention on large projects that support the governorate infrastructure like the project of rehabilitation of north island irrigation to restore vital water supplies in Rabia, Nineveh.
2. Supporting breeders with fodder, due to the high prices in the local market.
3. Supporting breeders with fuel and any other power source they need, due to the high prices of fuel globally.
4. Urging the religious leaders to combat hate speech and encourage peace due to the importance they have in promoting social cohesion. and other recommendations related to supporting farmers with loans to support their businesses and promote social cohesion activities through the contributions of the security forces, community leaders, and civilians.