Within the framework of its Project “Protection Procedures and New Opportunities for Society-Almel”, the Public Aid Organization led a series of special events within the framework of the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women. The events included the areas of Aqra, Hawija, and Tuzkhurmato, and focused on raising awareness and enhancing community awareness of women’s rights and needs.
In Aqra, the first event was launched with an awareness workshop for schoolgirls about electronic blackmail, where the risks and ways to prevent it were highlightedto promote awareness among girls and provide them with the necessary protective tools. As for the city of Hawija, the event was an educational seminar on laws and conventions on women’s rights, which provided an opportunity to discuss and raise awareness of the importance of these laws in women’s lives and their role in protecting them.
The events concluded in TuzKhurmatuo through a social workshop that addressed the role of women in society and their needs, where the workshop formed a space for constructive dialogue aimed at a deeper understanding of women’s aspirations and their role in achieving positive change.